
- Learn how to interview effectively to identify unmet clinical needs
- Complete a workshop with standardized patients
- Understand the Biodesign process with an emphasis on need statements, specifications, and go-to-market strategy
- Create a viable business plan through the business model canvas
- Identify strategies for IP portfolio, reimbursement, regulatory pathways, and fundraising


October 2017

Components of the Pitch
(in no particular order)

- Problem (Story Leading Into Need Statement)
- Current Standard of Care and Its Shortcomings
- Market Size
- Competitors
- Show Your Solution, Demo It, Tell Us the Unique Selling Points of Your Solution
- Value Proposition Compared to Competitors
- Business Model/Revenue Stream (How Will You Make Money?)
- Go-To-Market Strategy􏰀 (IP, Regulatory Pathway, First Entry Point, Minimizing Risk, Stakeholder Analysis, Next Steps to Get Your Solution to Market􏰈)
- Team